After the flood and after Noah's settled on Land with his Sons, and afyer the Sons received his Blessings and Wishes, He decided they spread on Earth and each one of them settle on a separate land.
Japheth moved through Turkey and inhabited the lands of North Iran, Armenia and Russia, then continued to explore all the North of East and West Europe, then down to France, Spain, Italy and the Greek Islands.
The Bible ascribed seven sons of Japheth from whom the following nations raised:
From Gomer: Armenians, Ceimmerians, Scythians, Welsh, Irish, Germans, Huns, Franks and Turks.
From Magog: Slavs, Mongols, Hungarians, Irish, Finns, Pamiris. Pashtuns.
From Madai: Medes, Indo-Iranians, Mitanni, Mannai, Persian, Tajiks, Balochis and Tati.
From Javan: Greeks (Ionians)
From Tubal: Tabal, Tibareni, Georgians, Italics, Iberians, Basques.
From Tiras: Thracians, Goths, Jutes, Teutons.
From Meshech: Phrygians, Illyrians, Caucasian Iberia, Russians.
Ham moved to Africa and parts of the Near East (India)
Egypt was considered in the Bible as the Land of Ham.
Ham became the forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic Race)
He had four sons from whom the following nations derived:
From Cush: Egypt, Yemen, Eritrea, Arabian Peninsula, Ethiopia, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Babel, Akkad.
From Mizraim: Egypt, Libya, Crete and Cyprus.
From Phut: Land of Punt
From Canaan: Phoenicia, Anatolia, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
The Book of Jubilees hinted that Canaan further refused to join his brothers to settle in Ham's allotment beyond the Nile (Africa) and proceeded to inhabit the eastern shores of Mediterranean "squatting" within the inheritance of Shem in the region that later is promised to Abraham.
Offspring of Canaan were:
The Hittites: People of Hatti a powerful entity of Anatolia
The Jebusites: A tribe lived around Jerusalem
The Amorites: Lived between Jordan, Syria and part of Saudi Arabia.
The Girgasites: Egypt Delta
The Arkites: Lived in Akkar North of Lebanon
The Sinites: Lived in the desert of Sinai Egypt
The Arvadites: Lived in Island of Arwad Syria
The Zemarites: Lived in city of Dummar Syria
The Hamathites: Lived in the city of Hamah Syria
Sam or Shem is known as the forefather of the Middle peoples (Semitic Race)
Jews consider him their father through Arpachshad.
His children were Elam, Asshur, Aram, Lud and Arpachshad from whom Abraham was descended.
Sam and his sons were the ancestors of the following nations:
From Elam: Khuzistan, Iran
From Assur: Iraq
From Arpachshad: Iraq, Turkey, Syria (Sham), Lebanon and possibly south Jordan and north Saudi Arabia.
From Lud: Anatolia
From Aram: Iraq, Syria
It is considered by most scholars and historians that the five sons of Sam were the ancestors of the nations of Elam, Assyria, Syria, Chaldea and Lydia respectively.
Some historians believe that Sam descended the whole of European people.
The Islamic scholar Al Tabari believes that the Greeks are descendants of Sam.
Now Arpachshad who is considered the father of Jews, and had 3 sons:
Cainan: whom for some reasons the Jews cancelled his name from the genealogical list
Shelah or Salah: Who may be also son of Cainan and not Arpachshad, had a son called Eber who is the eponymous ancestor of Hebrews. He was living in Babel, however it is said by the Jewish traditions that he refused to participate in building the Tower of Babel. He had two sons, Peleg and Joktan.
Peleg: Whom in his days and according to the Book of Genesis "The Earth was divided" and this expression was translated as political divisions between the sons of Noah.
From Peleg there were Reu, Serug, Nabor, Terah and Abraham.
To Be continued .....
Sami Cherkaoui